
Twin Science is proud to have a longstanding partnership with Microsoft, collaborating on various initiatives that drive growth and make a positive impact. Microsoft has provided invaluable support through this dynamic alliance, sharing knowledge and offering technological tools.

One notable collaboration involved the utilization of Twin Science kits in a STEM workshop organized together with the Parilti – Support for Blind Children Association. This powerful initiative allowed children to develop communication and problem-solving skills, engage in robotics and coding, and ignite their love for science.

“It is crucial to spark passion for science in the hearts of our children from a young age. We are gathered here today with this exact purpose. 76 children joined us today, with half of them being children of Microsoft employees and the other half being our visually impaired friends from the Parilti – Support for Blind Children Association. With the guidance of YGA (Young Guru Academy) and their teachers, they have actively participated in this project, where they learned and created their own projects using Twin STEM Kits. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to this remarkable partnership.”

Onur Koc
Regional Technology Officer at Microsoft Turkey

“At Microsoft Turkey, we strive to foster inclusive initiatives that encourage participation from all individuals, leveraging ideas generated by our employees. In line with this objective, we have joined forces with YGA and Parilti – Support for Blind Children Association, where we brought together children and successfully conducted a meaningful collaborative activity.”

Elif Acar Ozguner
Deputy GM at Microsoft Turkey

“Today, the children of Microsoft employees joined hands with visually impaired children from the Parilti – Support for Blind Children Association, and together, they participated in a highly successful event at the Twin Science Festival organized by YGA. Through the implementation of cutting-edge technology, we were able to create an inclusive and empathetic environment for disabled individuals in our society. This initiative enables visually impaired children to commence their educational journey from kindergarten alongside their peers. The Twin STEM workshop held today serves as a concrete example of this inclusivity. Rather than merely providing them with fish, we equipped these children with the skills to revolutionize the fishing industry, utilizing technology as their ally.”

Duygu Kayaman
Business Program Manager
& Seeing AI Project Lead at Microsoft Turkey

Joining Forces for a Sustainable Future!

As a participant in Microsoft’s esteemed Entrepreneurship for Positive Impact cohort, Twin Science is excited to join forces with like-minded visionaries to scale our positive influence.

Twin Science had the privilege of participating in the ChangeNOW summit, along with fellow startups from the Microsoft Entrepreneurship for Positive Impact program. This event allowed us to connect with changemakers and explore opportunities to make a positive impact in society while driving the growth of our business.

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We also had the honour of meeting Jean-Philippe Courtois, Microsoft’s Executive Vice President and President of National Transformation Partnerships. Together, we discussed how to collaborate further with Microsoft to leverage STEM and technology in creating a more sustainable future.

Twin Science was founded with the goal of using technology for positive impact, and with the support of Microsoft’s AI Sprint and accelerator program, we have been able to explore the potential of AI in empowering educators and innovating sustainability education. Participating in the hackathon and showcasing our work under the guidance of inspiring role models was a truly unique and transformative experience.

Twin Featured at Sifted

In a recent article by Sifted, it was highlighted how Twin Science & Robotics, as a Microsoft Entrepreneurship for Positive Impact participant, is playing a vital role in addressing the SDGs. By aligning with these goals, we attract investors who prioritize #sustainable and #responsible investments while contributing to a more equitable and sustainable future.

Our innovative teacher platform and student app leverage GenAI to empower teachers and students, providing personalized support and education about the SDGs. Through strategic partnerships with impact investors, development agencies, and the Microsoft Entrepreneurship for #PositiveImpact program, we are accelerating progress towards the SDGs and creating a positive impact.

Promoting Education Equality through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Projects

Education equality lies at the heart of Twin Science’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Our collaborations with esteemed companies exemplify our dedication to CSR projects that make a positive impact in the education sector. These partnerships serve as powerful demonstrations of how corporations can contribute to fostering equality in education and nurturing the potential of future generations. Through our collective endeavors, we have successfully implemented a range of CSR initiatives, focusing on STEM education, aviation education, and sustainable education. These projects not only offer invaluable learning experiences but also strive to bridge educational disparities, ensuring that every child has equal access to quality education.

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The collaboration between Twin Science and Microsoft is a testament to our shared vision of empowering education, fostering inclusivity, and driving positive impact. Through innovative initiatives, such as the STEM workshop with the Parilti – Support for Blind Children Association, and participation in events like ChangeNOW, we are making significant strides towards creating a more sustainable and equitable future. To discover more about Twin Science and our impactful collaborations, we invite you to explore our website and join us on this exciting journey.

Remember, every step forward begins with a shared vision and a commitment to shaping a brighter tomorrow.

Join the movement to increase impact!

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