
Not so 20-30 years ago, if you were told to make video calls with your mobile phone in a short period of time, you probably would have been told by someone who is a dreamer. The interesting thing is that; We did not have much expectation for new technological developments recently, but today, when a new model of a known mobile phone is launched, most of us are in for a shocking technological development. This is also an important indicator of the magnitude of the pace of progress in technology. And many of us can’t even be surprised when there’s really a significant technological advance. If the teleportation happens, we’re almost able to say that if a friend tries, I’ll try. As a result of such technological developments, it is obvious that many of the occupations that are being carried out today will lose their validity in the future.

For example, I recently caught the attention of a letter affixed to the glass of a tailor shop: Ironing with a robot ”. The tragicomic side of the job is the fact that these robots, which are currently ironing only in the tailoring industry, will make tailors do their job in the future by doing other tasks. Of course, this is not the case only for tailors. Besides tailor robots will replace people in most occupational groups. Even today, robots have started to take the place of people in some areas. In China, for example, only robots are now in production. Again, a robot in China will serve as an announcer on TV announced. Or you may have heard that unmanned taxis will slowly begin to operate in the UK. In addition, projects such as unmanned flying cars and unmanned passenger planes will be implemented after a while. In addition, there are hospitals where only surgical robots can be performed. In the future, all medical support services can be performed by robots with surgical interventions. Together with the occupational groups mentioned above, most of the robots are likely to take away their occupation from people in the occupational group. Because the cost of labor and success rates in that job will involuntarily enable robots to replace people.

Which professions will continue to be valid despite technology?

The main issue that needs to be considered is not which professions robots will take place in the future, but which professions will continue to be valid despite technological advances. For example, there are painter robots that have the ability to make unique paintings that require a high level of creativity. You’ve also heard the robots composing. Who can claim that robots that can do even creative activities such as painting and composition today cannot develop their own software in the future. Perhaps our main problem in the future will be not how the robots do or fail to do it, but how to protect ourselves from the robots. Especially when we think about the possibility of serious competition between humans and robots in the future. One of the important professions that does not exist today and that will exist in the future may be robot safety expertise, which includes skills such as software development, which aims to ensure our safety against robots. From this point of view, it will not be surprising that the human labor force, which is active in production and service sectors, will concentrate on security in the future.

The living conditions of plants and animals will also be affected…

The effects of technological development will not be limited to humans. The vegetable and animal products we consume today can be replaced by artificial products in the future. Of course, there are many parameters. Conditions such as human population and environmental factors are very important. However, it can be said that technological development affects people and the living conditions of plants and animals.

In summary, considering the differences between our recent past and present technological conditions, we can have very different conditions than today’s living conditions even in the near future. When we consider the philosophical aspect of the work, the following question may come to our mind: As humanity, are we obliged to this technological development? We all know that even though there are communities like the Amishler who reject technology, there is no practical return of this technological development worldwide. We hope that the positive results of this development will exceed our expectations and that the possible negative results can be minimized.

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